H2S (Hydrogen Sulfide Gas) is a dissolved naturally occurring gas that gives water a characteristic “rotten egg odor”. Certainly the most offensive water problem, left unchecked the gas corrodes piping and fixtures, creates odors in the house and can turn water black. In addition, long term exposure to even low levels of H2S gas is a health concern. Trust AquaSource with the latest in H2S filtration technology.
AquaSource Services Calgary and Area with Top Quality, North American Manufactured H2S Filters using Fleck Control Heads, the best in the business. Our prices include standard installation and there is no mileage charge for installations in Airdie, Banff, Bragg Creek, Canmore, Chestermere, Cochrane, Dewinton, High River, Langdon, Millerville, Okotoks, Redwood Meadows, Springbank, Strathmore, and the surrounding rural areas.
Aquasource Manganese Greensand Filter
Aquasource Chemical Free Centaur Carbon FIlter